“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



February 27, 2014


Attendance:      58 members, 2 guests (Jody Melcher, Nebr-Ia District Vice Gov.; and Joe Melcher, Nebraska-Iowa Kiwanis Foundation, Regional Trustee). 

Location:          First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Anderson.  Invocation was given by Pete Peterson.




Sick List.  Bill Anderson is about the same.  Would like company; however, it is best to call first.  Les Holland is home from the hospital. 


Inter-club to Nevada.  Eight (8) members attended the Nevada Kiwanis Club on 2/25/14.  Next inter-club will be in April possibly at one of Boone Kiwanis Cubs.


Division Fund-Raising Project (for Eliminate).  Jody Melcher announced that there will be a fund-raising project for Project Eliminate this summer.  Will be a “poker run” around Story County.  Golden K members are needed to help coordinate and serve as hosts at a stop in Ames.


By-Laws.  Larry Trede reminded members of by-laws vote on March 13th, 9:15 am business meeting.  Proposed by-laws are on website.


Pancake Days Ticket Sales.  Pete Peterson announced that about $4000 has been raised from Golden K ticket sales.  Tickets are still available.  Contributions to Golden K Foundation are still being taken.


Teen Maze.  Duane Brodie has sign-up sheets for Teen Maze.  Short video on Teen Maze will be shown at the beginning of next week’s meeting.


Paper Trailer.  Empty paper trailer has been delivered.  Members can resume bringing paper for recycling at weekly meetings.


Congratulations, Fred Bunce.  Fred will be celebrating his 90th birthday on March 3rd.  Also, Fred has been a Kiwanis member for 50 years this year and has had perfect attendance during that time!!


Humor.  Humor was given by Doug Provow and Al Bentley.


Program.  Les Wolfe, Outdoorsman and Fisherman, showed his slides and talked about this “Deep Sea Fishing Trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Beautiful scenery and huge fish!!  Enjoyed by all.


Next Week.  Next week’s meeting is at 9:15 am.  First United Methodist Church.  Program speaker is Christian Martin, ISU Lectures Program on “ISU Lecture Series.”


Meeting adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary