“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



July 10, 2014


Attendance:  55 members, 3 guests, Geri Bugg, Division 11 Lt. Gov.

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Gene Pollmann.  Invocation was given by Bo Faar.




1.       Jerry Solbeck.  Had hip replacement surgery recently and is recovering. 

2.      Leo Runge.  Had an appendectomy last week and was sent home.  Recently hospitalized with complications due to the surgery.

3.      Carolyn Cornette (Jim Cornette’s wife).  A letter was read by Don Muff announcing that Carolyn suffers from lung cancer.  Will be starting chemo therapy next week. 

4.      2014/15 Program Requests.  Pete Petersen announced that he is starting to develop the 2014-15 program schedule.  Is open to program suggestions, topics, and speakers from the membership.  Contact Pete with your suggestions.

5.      Nevada Golden K Interclub.  Ten members from our club participated in an interclub on Tuesday (July 8th) to the Nevada Golden K Kiwanis Club.  Program speaker was Andy Bradley, Nebraska-Iowa Kiwanis Governor.  Muff thanked all members who attended and special thanks to John Johnson for organizing several interclubs this year.


Humor.  Given by Tom Peter.


Program.  Program today was “Kiwanis Children Protection Training,” given by Geri Bugg.  Geri outlined the concern for child protection and presented several guidelines for Kiwanians who work in SLP program sponsored by Kiwanis Clubs. 


Next Week.  Program next week is “A Caregiver’s Story of Survival” by Christine Sutton.


The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:20 a.m.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary