“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”




August 14, 2014


Attendance:  61 members, 5 guests

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Gene Pollmann.  Invocation was given by Bob Farr. 



1.      Illness Report – Members.  Laverne Seversike and Jerry Solbeck are both at home recovering from illnesses and/or surgery. 

2.      Dues Payable.  Larry Trede reminded members that 2014-15 dues are payable by August 28th.  Membership will need to be certified to Kiwanis International shortly after October 1st.

3.      Farm Progress Show.  Tom Peter reminded members to sign up for helping with in a food tent for the Farm Progress Show.  Dates are August 26,27,28th.  Members are asked to help prepare and serve food from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  Car Pools will be arranged by Peter.

4.      Kiwanis Shirts.  Tom Peter will be ordering polo and long-sleeved shirts with the Kiwanis label printed sometime within the next week or so.  Members wanting to order shirts should contact Tom immediately.  Costs vary depending upon the style of shirt ordered.  Payment will be made with the shirts are delivered.

5.      Senior Variety Show Tickets.  Ken Larson has tickets available for this weekend’s Senior Variety Show.

6.      Ames Noon Club Auction.  The Ames Noon Club will be holding an auction and fund-raising activity this coming Saturday.  Information is available from posters placed in several retail outlets in Ames.

7.      Child Serve Charity Donation.  A check for $750 was presented to Child Serve as part of our charity donation program. Amber Roberts was present to receive the check and spoke a few minutes on how the funds are used in their programming.


Humor.  Given by John Slaughter.


Program.  Tom Emmerson, Professor Emeritus, ISU spoke on “Murder, Mayhem, and Misadventures in Ames and Beyond.”  Very interesting program and talk about several different crimes committed in the Ames area over the past few decades. 


Next Week.  Program next week is by Carolyn Cornette on “Joseph Mawain, One of the Lost Sons of South Sudan.”


The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary