“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



August 21, 2014


Attendance:  64 members, 5 guests

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Joe Traylor.  Invocation was given by Harry Budd.



1.       Golden K Singers.  Muff thanked all members of the Golden K Singers who participated in last weekend’s Senior Variety Show.  Superb job by the Singers!

2.      Donation to CASA.  A check for $750 was presented to Steve Word, CASA, as part of our charity donation program.  He spoke about how the funds are used to support their program for children in need of assistance.

3.      Farm Progress Show.  Tom Peter announced plans for our participation in one of the food tents at the Farm Progress Show.  Members participating are asked to meet at the JC Penney’s parking lot at 7:45 am at which time car pools will be arranged.  We will staff the food tent from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Members can help on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of next week.

4.      Golden K Shirts.  Shirts have been ordered and should be ready by September 4th.  Anyone ordering a shirt can pay for it at the time of delivery.

5.      2014-15 Dues.  Larry Trede reported that the dues collection is moving along very well, Only 4 members remain who had not paid their dues. 

6.      September Program Newsletter.  Trede indicated that the September newsletter was e-mailed yesterday.  Extra copies are available from him.


Humor.  Humor was provided by Si Silence.


Program.  Jim Cornette, Carolyn Cornette, and Joseph Mawian presented a very interesting program on “A Lost Boy from Sudan.”  Joseph was interviewed by Carolyn about his experiences as a refugee from Sudan who traversed Sudan on foot to several refugee camps before arriving in Ames to attend school and integrate himself in the Ames community.


Next Week’s Program.  “Ames Comprehensive Plan Update,” by Kelly Dickmann, Director, Ames Planning and Zoning Commission.


The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary