“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



October 16, 2014


Attendance:  59 members, 2 guests

Location:  St. Paul Lutheran Church


The meeting was called to order by President-Elect Jim Cornette.  Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen.  Invocation was given by Craig Ause. 


Sharing Time:  No reports.



1.      Interclub to Boone Noon Kiwanis.  Trede announced that there will be an interclub today to Boone Noon Club.  Space is available if anyone interested in attending. 

2.      Roland 60th Anniversary Celebration.  Trede reminded membership about the 60th Anniversary Celebration for the Roland Kiwanis Club on October 26th, 4:00 pm, Roland Area Community Center.  Cost is $10/person.  Advance registrations required.  Registrations due today.

3.      Division 11 Council Meeting.  Cornette announced that the Division 11 Council Meeting will be held on October 25th, 9:30 a.m. Jefferson.  Wilson, Cornette, Trede, and Pete Peterson are planning to attend.  Other clubs members are invited also.  Carpooling will be arranged next week.

4.      Paper Trailer.  Bob Ringgenberg has paper trailer duty this week and could use some assistance.

5.      Adopt-A-Road.  Gene Pollmann announced that 14 members participated in the 2-mile Adopt-A-Road project on October 9th.  A total of 27 hours was spent cleaning the road and $4.60 was collected from disposing of pop cans and plastic bottles.

6.      Meet at First United Methodist Church Next.  Cornette reminded members that we will return to First United Methodist Church next week for our regular meeting.


Program.  Program was given by Rod Holm, Ames CyRide, on “Update of Ames CyRide.”  Interesting presentation and lots of questions.


Next Week’s Program.  Dr. Mandy Ross, Ames Community School, on “Ames Community Schools -- Update.”


The meeting was adjourned by Cornette at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary