“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”




January 8, 2015


Attendance:  57 members, 2 guests

Location:  First United Methodist Church

Presiding:  Dick Wilson

Opening Ceremonies:  Roger Andersen

Invocation:  Ted Solomon


The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 a.m.



1.      Don Lampe.  Funeral services for Don Lampe will be held Saturday, January 10th, Wallace Funeral Home, Newton.  Don was a former and active member of Ames Golden K for many years.

2.     100th Birthday Celebration.  Wilson reminded members of the 100th anniversary celebration on January 21st.  Special program is planned and this meeting will be our regular weekly meeting (Wednesday rather than Thursday).  Members are asked to bring “100 coins for 100 years” with monies donated to Project Eliminate.

3.     Pictorial Directory.  Extra copies of the pictorial directory are available.  Suggested donation is $3.00/copy.

4.     Pancake Tickets.  Tom Peter announced that pancake tickets are available.  Also, any member selling more than $150 of tickets will receive a “free” Golden K Kiwanis hat.

5.     Upcoming Programs.  Pete Peterson announced that any member who has suggestions for future programs, please contact him.  Openings are available over the next few weeks.


Humor.   Provided by Tom Peter


Program.  Provided by Dennis Keaney on “Russia of Tsars, Poets, and Putin.”  Dennis showed slides of sites on a recent trip to Russia.


Next Week.  Program next week is “Marching Band – It’s More Than Just Pretty Pictures on a Field.”  Speaker:  Steven Smyth, ISU Associate Director of Bands.


The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary