“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”




July 2, 2015


Attendance:  69 members, 7 guests (4 Ames Noon Interclub)

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 a.m.

Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen.  Invocation was given by Bob Faar.


Announcements and Sharing Time:

1.     Paper Trailer.  John Slaughter reported that about 10,000 lbs. of paper were loaded yesterday by a group of Golden K members.  Paper was from the ISU Printing Department which included several rolls of “heavy” engineering plans and specifications.  Trailer is nearly full and another empty ordered.

2.     Duane Brodie.  Duane was welcomed back and will be having surgery next week.

3.     KI Dues Increase.  Wilson announced that a $10/member dues increase was passed by the voting delegates to last week’s KI convention in Indianapolis.  Also, Golden K dues payment for 2015-2016 are now being accepted.  Announcement letter, e-mail reminders, and meeting announcements will be made during the campaign.  Club dues are payable by September 3, 2015.

4.     Poker Run.  Scheduled for August 2nd.  More details will be announced shortly.

5.     Election Volunteers.  Jim Cornette reviewed the proposal for club members to sign up as election volunteers (pay is $10/hour).  Split shifts are acceptable.  All members accepted as volunteers will be required to attend a paid training session.  Members were asked to sign up today.


Humor Given by Lowell Richardson.


Program.  Mary Ellen Carano, Director, Bliss Cancer Resource Center, McFarland Clinic on “The Who, What, Why of Cancer Genetic Screening.  She talked about a genetic screening program for different types of cancer.


Next Week.  Program is “A Brief History of Medicine,” by Dr. Dale Christensen, MD and Golden K Kiwanis member.


Next Week’s meeting is at St. Paul Lutheran Church.


The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary