“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



December 3, 2015


Attendance:  77 members, 1 guest

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Jim Cornette at 9:30 am.  Opening ceremonies were led by Tom Peter.  Invocation was given by Ted Solomon.


Announcements and Sharing Time:

1.     Kiwanis Shirts.  Tom Peter announced that Kiwanis shirts have been received and can be picked up today. 

2.     Project Eliminate.  Larry Trede reviewed Project Eliminate and reported that Kiwanis International goal of $110 million has nearly been reached with $103.2 million raised as of November 15th.  Project Eliminate “active fund-raising” phase will terminate on 12/31/15.  Nebraska-Iowa Foundation “matching program” for “Zellers” will terminate on 12/31/15.  Until that date, individual members and/or clubs can donate $1000 to be matched by $250 from Nebr-Ia. Foundation to receive a recognition as a Zeller Donor.  Our club has taken advantage of that program.  Board decision this morning to make a push for one additional Zeller by asking members to donate $10-15/person to raise $635 to complete our 7th Zeller thru the One-Z Club program.  One-Z will terminate on 12/31/15.  Club members are asked to make an additional contribution to the One-Z at our meetings over the next two week to reach the goal of $1000.


Program.  Bill Fennelly, ISU Women’s Basketball Coach, spoke to the group about the current season and answered may questions raised by members.


Next Week.  Program next week is “Aging and Physical Fitness,” by Nathan Meier, ISU Kinesiology Graduate Assistant.


The meeting was adjourned by Cornette at 10:30 am.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary