“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
February 20, 2014
Attendance: 58 members, 3 guests, 4 guests (interclub from Ames Noon)
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Duane Brodie.
Less Holland is hospitalized at Mary Greeley. Expected to be home soon. Bill Anderson has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home.
New Member.
Craig Fulton was introduced as a potential new member. Has filled out an application and will be joining soon.
Pancake Days.
Peter Peterson announced that 1100 tickets have been given to members to sell. Has some left for members to sell. Sales are coming along and the big push for ticket sales should be over the next couple of weeks. Bob Curry distributed a list of volunteers who have signed up.
Larry Trede reviewed 2 handouts for members to read and comment on regarding the proposed changes to the by-laws. KI is requiring all clubs to update their bylaws. Comments should be returned to him by March 4th. Board will discuss and propose a final draft of bylaws to membership on March 6th. Special membership meeting on March 13th to pass revised by-laws. Meeting will begin at 9:15 am.
Teen Maze.
Duane Brodie announced that he has sign-up sheets for Teen Maze. It will be held on 3/24 to 3/18th. Return sign-up sheets to Brodie and he will enter them into his computer. Our club will be serving lunch on 3/27th
Interclub to Nevada, Feb. 23rd.
John Johnson announced that we will have 8 members participating in an interclub to Nevada Kiwanis club on February 23rd. Meeting begins at 6:30 a.m. Members will be notified by John regarding transportation.
Paper Trailer.
Paper trailer is full. Another trailer has been ordered but is not in place yet. Members will be notified when empty trailer arrives but in the meantime, members should not bring paper for recycling to our meetings.
Humor was given by Wayne Hagemoser.
Program on “Our Changing Climate – What We Know and Where We Are Heading” was given by Dr. William Gutowski, ISU faculty. He presented some very interesting information on the effects of global warming and some prediction models about the implications of global warming.
Meeting next week will be at St. Paul Lutheran Church.
The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 am.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary