“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
March 6, 2014
Attendance: 69 members, 1 guest
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:15 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Si Silence.
Teen Maze. A 15-minute video was shown about Teen Maze. Duane Brodie announced that sign-up sheets are available for members to sign-up for different jobs during the week of Teen Maze. Teen Maze will be held at the Boone County Fairgrounds on March 24-28, 2014. Members should return their work choices to Brodie who will in turn enter the data into the computer system being used.
1. Pancake Days. Pete Peterson announced that ticket sales were approximately $4600 to $4700. Any member who worked during Pancake Days and has not reported their work hours should turn those into Peterson immediately. Our club receives a portion of the profits based upon the hours worked by club members.
2. By-Laws. Larry Trede reminded members that the proposed by-laws will be voted at our next meeting, March 13th. Meeting will begin at 9:15 a.m. Members should read the one-page summary of by-laws changes on the Golden K Website under the “What’s New” section.
3. Nominating Committee. Don Muff announced that Tom Peter (chair), Harry Budd, and John Johnson will serve as the club’s nominating committee for officers/directors for next year. They will be seeking nominations over the next several weeks.
4. ISU Dining Services Working Opportunities. Two fund-raising opportunities are available from ISU Dining over the spring/summer months. Odyssey of the Minds will be held May 27 – June 1 and we can help serve meals for the breakfast shift (6:00 am – 10:00 am) and lunch shift (10:30 am – 2:30 pm). A show of hands of interested members was asked for by Gene Pollmann. The International Future Problem Solvers program will be held on June 11 – June 15. Similar serving opportunities will be available. More information later.
5. Fund-raising idea. Dick Wilson reported on attending a Kiwanis meeting in Alabama recently. As a fund-raising activity, that club has a “wine raffle.” Members donate $20 bottles of wine and then sell raffle tickets for $20 each. Approximately 40 bottles of wine are donated and the winning raffle ticket gets all twenty bottles of wine.
Humor. Humor was provided by Lowell Richardson.
Program. Program was Pat Miller, Director ISU Lectures on “Bringing Speakers to ISU.” Also, club members should note: “Podcasts (audio recordings) of ISU Lectures can be found at various links on the website: Just click on the ‘schedule by year’ and select your choice.
Next week. Meeting will begin at 9:15 a.m. Proposed by-laws voted on by club membership. Program: “Celebrating 10 years of Food at First” by Christian Martin, Director.
Meeting adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary