“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
March 13, 2014
Attendance: 59 members, 1 guest (Gary Wade, Ames Noon)
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:15 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Anderson. Invocation was given by Joe Traylor.
Adoption of By-Laws. Don Muff announced that this meeting was called to vote on the proposed By-Laws of the Ames Golden K Kiwanis Club. Larry Trede, Club Secretary, announced that there was a quorum present. Trede then reviewed an abbreviated version of the proposed By-Laws noting those sections that had significant changes made, were added from the present By-Laws, or were required by Kiwanis International. Motion by Trede, seconded by Chuck Glotfelty, that the proposed By-Laws as presented and as posted on the club’s website be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
1. Bill Anderson. Muff announced that funeral arrangements for Bill Anderson had been made. Services will be held on Saturday morning, 11:00 a.m., at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Ames.
2. Paper Trailer. Tom Peter reminded members that the paper recycling project has been approved by the City of Ames and that the city has encouraged the club to continue the collection of paper, etc. for recycling purposes. The City of Ames reports the quantity of recycled paper collected by our club and receives credit for it as part of the city’s recycling efforts.
3. Upcoming Fund-raising and Service Projects. Gene Pollmann reviewed a list of upcoming fund-raising projects that the club will have some involvement. Volunteers are needed for each project and sign-up sheets will be available.
a. Teen Maze. Held on March 24-28, 2014
b. “Stash the Trash.” Held at Brookside Park on March 29, 2014
c. “Adopt A Road.” Held on April 17th. Meet at Holub’s Nursery
d. Odyssey of Minds. Assisting ISU Dining Services on May 27-June 1, 2014
e. International Problem Solvers. Assisting ISU Dining Services on June 11-15, 2014
f. ISU Student Orientation. Assisting ISU Dining Services (late August)
g. Farm Progress Show. Assisting in Food Tents (to be announced)
4. Teen Maze. John Johnson reminded members to sign-up for Teen Maze. More volunteers are needed. Sign-up sheets are available. Turn them into Duane Brodie.
5. Craig Fulton. Craig Fulton was inducted as a new members. Craig received his PhD. Degree from ISU. Worked for the Canadian Department of Agriculture for 34 years. Craig and his wife, Judith, retired and are now living in Ames. Welcome, Craig!!
6. Pancake Days. Pete Peterson reported that ticket sales were within $200 of last year. Total ticket sales were approximately $4800 ($2400 our share). Members worked approximately 100 hours. Total attendance was down this year because of poor weather.
Humor. Given by Frank Howell
Program. “Celebrating 10 Years at Food-At-First” given by Christian Martin, Director. Reported that the Meal Program of Food-At-First is a 7-day program and served several thousands of meals during 2013. The Food Market Program has grown tremendously and has provided over 200 tons of food to families and individuals in 2013. Both programs are fun strictly with volunteers.
Program Next Week. Neil Harl will speak on “Are We Facing a Replay of the Farm Crisis?”
The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary