“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



April 3. 2014


Attendance:  61 members, 2 guests

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Anderson.  Invocation was given by Roger Balmer.




1.      April Birthdays.  Announced by Roger Anderson.


2.      Fred Walker.  Coming home from hospital today.


3.      “Stash the Trash.”  Pollmann announced that 18 members participated and spent 33 hours cleaning up Brookside Park.  Lunch following at Reiman Gardens.


4.      “Adopt-A-Road.”  Pollmann announced that it will be held on April 17th.  Meet at Holub Parking Lot.  Sign-up sheet next week.


Friendship Ark Home Charity Donation.  $750 check presented to Mary Oostenburg, Director, Friendship Ark by Dick Wilson.  Mary indicated that funds will be used to help purchase a lift chair in one their homes.


Humor.  Provided by John Slaughter.


Program.  “Social Media,” by Elizabeth Burns-Thompson, Student, Drake Lake School, Des Moines.  She described some of the various social media options (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and others) available including some of the unique features of each. 


Program Next Week.  “Experiencing Galapagos with my Grandson” by Dennis Keeney.


The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary