“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”




APRIL 17, 2014


Attendance:  71 members, 4 guests

Location:  First United Methodist Church


The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen.  Invocation was given by Roger Andersen.




1.      Fred Walker.  Fred is recuperating at home but is house bound.  Hopes to attend Golden K meetings in the near future.


2.      David Larson – New Member.  David Larson was introduced as a new member.  Native of California.  Received DVM degree from ISU.  Employed at the Vet Diagnostic Lab at ISU.  Married, wife’s name is Kathleen.  One daughter and 2 granddaughters.  Welcome, David!!


3.      2-mile cleanup.  Gene Pollmann announced that the 2-mile cleanup is postponed until next week.  Meet at 12:30 pm, Holub’s parking lot.


4.      Odyssey of Minds.  Tom Peter announced at we have a fund-raising opportunity to serve breakfast and lunch for ISU Dining.  Paid $8.61/hour.  Dates are May 27-June 1.  Sign-up sheets are available.


5.      Paper-Trailer.  John Slaughter announced that additional help (pickup available for weekly meetings during part of June) is needed.  More information later.


6.      ACCESS donation.  Check was presented to Angie Schreck, Executive Director, ACCESS for $1500.  Is their 40th year in Ames community.  Outreach efforts in (1) shelter and housing, (2) domestic abuse, and (3) assault programs.  Thanked Golden K for their support.


Humor.  Humor was provided by Dennis Tice.


Program.  “East African Rift System” by Carl Vondra.  Carl outlined the rift system in Africa and talked about his recent trip to Kenya.  Showed slides of animals, wildlife, and plant life in Kenya and surrounding provinces in Africa. 


Next Week Program.  “ISU Women’s Volleyball, 2014” by Crist Johnson Lynch.  Bring your spouse or guest!!


Meeting adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.


Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary