“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
May 1, 2014
Attendance: 70 members, 4 guests
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Duane Brodie.
1. Hospital Report. Jerry Solbeck is hospitalized. Al Bentley is recovering from a nasty fall two weeks ago. Fred Walker will be dismissed from the hospital and be having skilled nursing care at Green Hills.
2. Farm Progress Show. Tom Peter asked for show of hands of those who have worked at Farm Progress Show in past years and also how many can commit to working this year. Need 50 members to commit for 3-days. Show of hands indicated about 35.
3. Odyssey of Minds. Several slots are open for helping serve meals for ISU Dining. Most help is needed for lunches on May 27-31st. Few slots open for breakfast during same time periods. Sign-up sheets are available.
4. International Problem Solvers. Fund-raising opportunity with ISU Dining, June 11-15th. Serving breakfast and lunches. Sign-up sheets available next week.
5. Roadside Clean-up. Postponed for one week due to weather. If weather permits, Gene Pollmann will schedule it for next Thursday, May 8th.
6. Roland Kiwanis Interclub. John Johnson announced an interclub on May 6th. Meet at North Grand Parking Lot (north of JC Penney store) at 5:45 pm. Dutch Treat dinner with Roland club. Contact Johnson if interested.
7. Ames Memorial Day Parade. Gene Pollmann will be participating. Driving a car and would like one or two Kiwanis members to accompany him. Meet at 10:00 am at City Hall. Contact Pollmann if interested.
Humor. Provided by Wayne Hagemoser
Program. “Celebrating 150: Ames History & Sesquicentennial Plans” by Casie Vance, Executive Director, Ames Historical Society. Reviewed the history of Ames and also outlined plans for Sesquicentennial Celebration for Ames.
Next Week: Will meet at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Election of Officers/Directors. Program is “ISU Track and Field, 2014-15” by Martin Smith, ISU Track & Field Coach.
Meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary