“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
August 7, 2014
Attendance: 65 members, 5 guests
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Don Muff at 9:30 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Craig Ause. August birthdays were announced by Roger Andersen.
1. Member Illness Report: Jerry Solbeck is back at Green Hills. Fred Walker is at home and is making slow progress. Paul McVey is recovering from surgery. Laverne Seversike is at Green Hills.
2. Charity Donation Program. A $750 check was presented to Youth Social Services (YSS) as part of our charity donation program.
3. Ordering Golden K Shirts. Tom Peter announced that Golden K members can purchase polo shirts, long-sleeve shirts with Kiwanis logo. Colors available: blue, gold, red, and black. Cost varies depending in size and type of shirt. Male and female shirts are available. Peter is taking orders. Payment is due when shirts are delivered.
4. Farm Progress Show Fund-raising activity. Tom Peter announced that our club has been asked to supply 15-20 workers for the food tent at the Farm Progress Show. Dates are August 26, 27, 28th. Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Several jobs are available including wrapping sandwiches (sitting while you work), taking orders, helping fill orders, and others. Peter has sign-up sheets available. Spouse and others are invited to participate.
5. Community Service Hours Report. Muff reminded members to fill out their community volunteer hours report for July.
Humor. Provided by Brent Pearce.
Program. Speaker for program was Susan Raich, graduate student at Cambridge University who presented a program on “White Ship Disaster of 1120: medieval England’s Titanic and 12th Century seafaring.
Next Week’s Program. “Murder, Mayhem, and Misadventures in Ames and Beyond,” by Dr. Tom Emmerson, Professor Emeritus, Iowa State University.
The meeting was adjourned by Muff at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary