“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
October 2, 2014
Attendance: 69 members, 3 guests
Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church
The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Craig Ause.
“Club Sharing Time.” President Wilson announced a new weekly feature for club meetings. The sick list announcements, members in the news, and other items would be combined into a new part on the program called “Club Sharing Time.” Members could “share” anything new in their lives, as well as sick list info, and members in the news.
1. Jerry Solbeck is ill and recovering.
2. Story County Freedom Flight. Several club members will be participating in next week’s Story County Freedom Flight to Washington DC.
1. Ames Noon Club. The Ames Noon Club is selling apples again this year as a fund-raising project. Order forms were placed on the tables for members to fill out. Also, the Noon Club is selling “Iowa Cookie Cookbooks” published by “Our Iowa Magazine” for $10/copy.
2. “Salvation Army Bell Ringers.” Wilson announced that the Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to serve as bell ringers during the upcoming holiday season.
3. Community Service Hours. Wilson reminded members to fill out their monthly community service hours report for September.
4. “Adopt-A-Road.” Gene Pollmann announced that the volunteers are needed for the fall “Adopt-A-Road” project. Sixteen volunteers are needed and will be at Holub Greenhouse parking lot on Thursday, October 9th, at 12:30 p.m. Road ditches will likely be muddy so dress appropriately.
5. Interclub to Boone Noon Kiwanis Club. John Johnson announced that our next interclub will be on Thursday, October 9th. Boone Noon club meets for lunch and program at 12:00 noon. Contact John Johnson or Dick Wilson if interested in attending. Four members are needed for an official interclub.
6. “Run for the Roses.” Don Muff announced that the annual “Run-for-Roses” fund-raiser will be on October 5th. Register for the run at Ames Middle School. Information is available at this website:
7. October Program Newsletter. Larry Trede announced that copies of the October program newsletter are available.
Humor. Humor was provided by Ed Augustine.
Program. Ron Orth and Scott Walker, Volunteers, for CROP WALK gave an interesting talk about the upcoming Crop Walk program and also organizations supported by Crop Walk. Crop Walk will be Sunday, October 12th, 1:30 pm, Brookside Park. CROP WALK began in 1947 and there are approximately 100 “Crop Walks” in Iowa. Crop Walk in Ames raises approximately $30,000 each year and $100,000 in Iowa.
Next Week’s Program. We will meet at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Speaker is Josh Vanderzwaag, Ames Police Department, who will talk on “Ames Police Experiences.”
The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary