“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
December 11, 2014
Attendance: 66 members, 1 guest
Location: First United Methodist Church
Presiding: Dick Wilson
Opening Ceremonies: Roger Andersen
Invocation: Joe Traylor
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m.
Sharing Time:
1. Dennis Keeney. Dennis had a “letter to the editor” recently in the Ames Tribune on “Belching Cow.”
2. West Buchele. Wes introduced his son, Steve, as a guest. Steve serves as a missionary in Uganda, Africa and is home for a few days.
3. Earl Canfield. Earl’s married son is re-locating to “cold” country of Minnesota.
1. 100th Kiwanis International Birthday Celebration. Wilson announced that our club will meet on Wednesday, January 22nd in honor of the “100th anniversary” of Kiwanis. A special program and refreshments is being planned. Special activity: “100 coins for 100 years.” Members are asked to bring 100 coins (any combination of denominations) to the meeting. Proceeds donated to Project Eliminate.
2. Interclub, Friday, December 19th, Ames Noon Club. John Johnson announced that an interclub to the Ames Noon Club will be held on Friday, December 19th, if there is sufficient interest in members attending. Contact Dick Wilson or John Johnson.
Humor. Provided by Harry Budd.
Program. Jan Williams, Director of Development and Marketing, Heartland Senior Services updated the club on “Activities and Programs at Heartland Senior Services.” She answered many questions by members on specific programs and the current status of their Senior Day Care and Nutrition programs.
Next Week’s Program. Joe Traylor and Larry Trede will update members on the Golden K Website and Evaluation of Current Programs and Activities by Golden K Membership.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary