“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
February 26, 2015
Attendance: 60 members, 3 guests
Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church
The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 a.m.
Opening ceremonies led by Roger Andersen
Invocation by Ted Solomon
Sharing and Announcements:
1. Dick Wilson. Dick reported briefly on his two-week vacation in a much warmer climate. Welcome home, Dick.
2. Thelma Voetberg. Chuck Glotfelty shared that Thelma (Ross) Voetberg was featured in the Throwback Thursday section of today’s Des Moines Register. She was a member of the state champion girls’ basketball team from Wellsburg and also an all-state first-team selection. Thelma is the wife of Bob Voetberg and attended our meeting today.
3. Roland Kiwanis Club. Roland Prayer Breakfast is Saturday morning, February 28th, 8:00 a.m. at the Roland Community Center.
4. Boone Noon Club. Hosting their annual Pork Chop Dinner on Monday, March 2nd at the Boone Fairgrounds, $12/ticket.
5. Ames Town and Country Club. Hosting Senator Charles Grassley at their March 14th meeting, 7:00 a.m., Green Hills Retirement Center. Contact if interested in attending.
Charity Donation Program. Michelle, representative from Youth and Shelter Services, Ames was present to talk about Teen Maze. YSS has also received a $1000 donation from Golden K to support the Teen Maze program in 2015. Nearly 1000 youth are expected to attend.
Teen Maze. Duane Brodie has sign-up sheets for 2015 Teen Maze scheduled for early April. Members can also sign up by going to the website set up for Teen Maze. 24 Golden K members participated last year.
Pancake Days. Tom Peter reported that Pancake Days Ticket Sales are less than last year. Tickets are still available. Sold about $4000 last year.
Program. Christie Johnson-Lynch, ISU Women’s Volleyball Coach, spoke on the “ISU Volleyball Program – Update.” Brought the group up-to-date on 2015-2016 season and talk about the rules, etc. Great program.
Next Week. Next week’s program is Bill Haglund, retired newspaper writer, on “50 Years of Changes in the Newspaper Industry.”
Meeting Location Next Week. We will meet at St. Paul Lutheran, 9:30 am
The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 am.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary