“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
March 19, 2015
Attendance: 63 members
Location: First United Methodist Church
The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 a.m.
Opening ceremonies: Roger Andersen
Invocation: Joe Traylor
Sharing Time and Announcements:
1. Dennis Keeney. Dennis had an article in the Ames Tribune this past week on the topic of World Hunger.
2. John Johnson. Tom Peter announced that John Johnson has been diagnosed with liver cancer and is seeing a surgeon today about possible surgery. Keep John and Elaine in your thoughts and prayers. We all thinking of you, John.
3. Pancake Days. Tom Peter gave the final report on ticket sales for Pancake Days. Total ticket sales were $6872 (1/2 our share to keep: $3436) plus $1512 in gifts to the Golden K Foundation plus $60 collected today for a total of $5008 to be retained by the club. Congratulations to all who participated!
4. Webmaster and Bylaws Change. Larry Trede presented the proposed change in the bylaws that creates an additional position of Webmaster. Terms and duties were presented to the club. Motion by Jim Penney, seconded by Larry Vallery, that the proposed change be accepted. Motion unanimously carried. (Copy of approved change attached.)
5. Edwards Elementary School Reading Program. Jim Cornette presented a proposal following discussion with several people including the Principal at Edwards Elementary. Jim Cornette and Larry Trede talked to Edwards Elementary, Raising Readers, and Mandy Ross, Associate Superintendent. After those visits, Cornette and Trede are recommending that the Club work with Edwards Elementary on a reading program for 1st grades starting Fall Semester, 2015. Members interested in volunteering for the program should notify Cornette or Peters. (Copy of proposed attached.)
6. Interclub to Nevada Kiwanis Club. Cornette has assumed leadership of our interclub program. He announced that an interclub to Nevada Kiwanis Club is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th. We will be leaving Ames at 5:45 am. Two members have indicated interest. Two additional members are needed. Contact Cornette.
Humor: Provided by Dennis Tice.
Program: “Memories” by Dan Bagley, humorist and storyteller, Nevada.
Next Week: “Central Iowa Friendship Force” by Patrick Brooks.
The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 a.m.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary