“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
July 9, 2015
Attendance: 70 members, 7 guests (4 interclub, Nevada Kiwanis)
Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church
The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilson at 9:30 am. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation given by Bob Farr.
Sharing Time & Announcements:
1. Cards. Jim Cornette circulated cards for member signatures for Carl Vondra (death of daughter), Tom Leimer (get well), Bill Mengling (get well).
2. Duane Brodie. Duane had lung surgery yesterday. Removed a portion of his lung. Will be hospitalized for a few days.
3. Dues Reminder. Wilson reminded members that 2015-2016 dues are now payable. All members should have received a letter announcing dues campaign.
4. Election Volunteers. Cornette is still looking for volunteers to assist with the September 8th School Board election. Opening are available for late morning-early afternoon shift and late afternoon-evening shift. Cornette will submit names to County Auditor and also pair members for the split shifts.
5. Poker Run. Tom Peter reminded members of the Poker Run, August 2nd, 1:00 pm, Brookside Park, Ames. Route will be Ames to Nevada to Roland to Boone to Ames. Prizes will be awarded for best poker hand. Cost is $20/person. Participants can ride in cars, motorcycles, or bicycle. Early dinner will be provided.
Humor. Given by Lowell Richardson
Program. Given by Dr. Dale Christensen, topic was “History of Medicine.” Dale highlighted some of the early milestones in the science of medicine, patient care, etc.
Next Week Program: “Update on Golden K Kiwanis Activities and Website,” by Joe Traylor and Larry Trede, Golden K members.
The meeting was adjourned by Wilson at 10:30 am.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary