Ames Golden K
Membership Minutes
“dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”
January 5, 2017
Attendance: 47 members
Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church
The meeting was called to order by President Pete Peterson at 9:00 a.m. Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen. Invocation was given by Larry Vallery.
Announcements and Sharing Time:
1. Lowell Yeager. Recovering from surgery. Had kidney removed. Should be returning to our meetings soon.
2. Pete Peterson. Pete reported that he had gall bladder surgery three weeks ago. Is getting along fine.
3. Bob Farr. Recovering from a recent fall. Hopes to attend meetings again soon.
4. Meeting Host(ess). Peterson reported that the board approved having a weekly meeting host(ess) who would greet visitors, assist members with refreshments, and remind members to check in at registration table. Will start in February.
5. KI and Strategic Planning. Peterson announced that board discussed the requirement for all clubs to develop a new strategic plan in 2017. Membership input will be sought.
6. Eliminate Program. Peterson shared a letter from KI updating the Project Eliminate program.
7. Al Wagner. Peterson read a thank you note from Karen Wagner thinking Golden K members for their thoughts and prayers at the recent death of Al.
8. Pancake Tickets. Available from Dennis Griffin. Pancake Days are in early March.
9. Community Service Hours. Peterson reminded members to fill out their Community Service Hours for December, 2016.
Humor. Provided by Lonnie Mannes.
Program. “Strengthening the Human-Animal Bond – Josh Project,” by Jenna Harris-Diers, Student, ISU Veterinary Program.
Next Week. “ISU Women’s Basketball Program,” by Bill Fennelly
The meeting was adjourned by Peterson at 10:00 am.
Submitted by
Larry Trede
Club Secretary