Ames Golden K

Membership Minutes


dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time”



January 19, 2017


Attendance:  64 members, 10 guests (AKTION Club, 2; Ames Noon, 4; ATACK, 4)

Location:  St. Paul Lutheran Church


The meeting was called to order by President Pete Peterson at 9:00 a.m.  Opening ceremonies were led by Roger Andersen.  Invocation was given by Craig Ause. 


Announcements and Sharing Time:

1.     AKTION Club.  Check for $1100 presented as part of our Charity Donation Program.

2.     Lowell Yeager.  Still hospitalized.  Having problem with kidney function and is on dialysis.

3.     Ron Skrdla.  Had a CT scan.  Fractured hip from fall off ladder.  Using a walker.

4.     Pete Peterson.  Been working with LEGO project.  His student group received Honorable Mention at their State Convention.

5.     Fred Bunce.  Has moved to Waterford.  Has problem with progressive dementia.

6.     Pancake Tickets.  Tickets are available for sale.

7.     Ballard Interclub.  Muff announced an interclub scheduled for February 1, 11:45 am, Ballard Country Club. 

8.     Division 11 Council Meeting.  Saturday, January 21st.  8:00 am following Town & Country meeting at Green Hills.  Need four members for interclub.


Humor.  Provided by John Arthur


Program.  “WPA Art,” by Gayle Huey


Next Week.  “Burial Customs and Folklore,” by Lorna Grow


The meeting was adjourned by Peterson at 10:00 am.

Submitted by


Larry Trede

Club Secretary