Good work, Ames Golden K!

Early summer, 2014 was a busy time for Ames Golden K.  Here is an outline of activity:

Service Hours:  25 members participated in 22 projects for a total of 496 hours service hours.

We assisted at Camp OK (Service learning Program):  4 members invested 20 hours to serve 92 youth;

Donation:  We presented $1500 Bethesda Food Pantry.

Fund-raising projects:

ISU Dining (Odyssey of Minds), 41 members/spouses working for 334.75 hours, and the Club received $2395.58.

ISU Dining (International Problem Solvers), 20 members/spouses working for 116.50 hours. The Club received $1007.73.

And, we added one new member!


Average meeting attendance for June:  56.