Our Officers and Directors
Ames Golden K Kiwanis Officers 2024-2025
President: Dick Wilson

President Elect: Jeff Witt

Vice President: Kevin Miller

Past President: Gina Spohnheimer

Secretary: Steve Johnson

Treasurer: Ron Skrdla

Webmaster: Kent Ziebell

Keith Folkmann (term ending in 2025)

Gary Erbes (term ending in 2026)

Bob Larson (term ending 2026)

Gary Meyer (term ending 2026)

Tom Peter (term ending 2025)

Dennis Tice (term ending 2025)

Hello. My name is Sean Abramowitz, and I work at Mainstream Living here in Ames. We are an organization that serves adults with intellectual disabilities, many of whom attend Aktion Club on a regular basis. I am writing to you, because we are in the process of planning a training video for new employees, and we wanted to do some filming of our members and their staff while at Aktion Club this coming Tuesday, May 17. We would be as non-invasive as possible, and would just be getting shots of people from Mainstream who had the proper permissions.
Please let me know if this will work for you, and we can get the ball rolling on it. Thanks.
Sean, This sounds like a good idea, but we are not the Club in charge of the Ames Aktion Club. I’ll ask our President, Jim Cornette, to suggest whom you should contact. I hope it works out!
What is your address so I an send a thank you?
Hi, Lisa. Was so nice to have you at Golden K Kiwanis this morning. We are pleased to be able to offer some support for NAMI. Send your thank you to Jim Cornette, 2000 Pinehurst Dr., Ames IA 50010. Jim is our current President.