Present: Tom Peter, Don Muff, Dick Wilson, Larry Trede, Wayne Hagemoser, John Slaughter, Lonnie Mannes, Brent Pearce, Joe Traylor, and Jim Cornette (in-coming Vice President)
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Peter at 8:00 a.m.
The minutes of the August 1, 2013 meeting were presented by Larry Trede. Motion by Don Muff, seconded by Tom Peter that the minutes be approved as distributed. Motion Carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Wayne Hagemoser. Bank balances for the various accounts on August 31, 2013 are as follows: Administrative, $11,738.57; Service, $7,238.24; Total, $18,967.81; Golden K Singers, $226.20; and Golden K Foundation, $1,985.21. Motion by Larry Trede, seconded by Dick Wilson that the Treasurers’ Report be approved as presented. Motion Carried.
Tom Peter reviewed the program for the upcoming Installation Luncheon on September 26th. Tickets are $10/person. An announcement will be made at the membership meeting again today.
Joe Traylor discussed the club web site. He distributed instructions for members to enter the members’ only section of the website. The web site is nearing completion. Pictures are needed and a plea will be made to members again to provide pictures. Trede will include information about the site in this week’s membership minutes e-mail. Members must have e-mail to enter the “members only” section. Traylor indicated that colored pictures of members would be nice to include in the membership section of the website plus some bio information. Brent Pearce volunteered to take pictures and collect updated bio information similar to what has been collected in the current membership directory. Pictures will be taken over the next few weeks.
Larry Trede reported on the renewal of dues for 2013-2014. Currently, there are six members who have not paid their dues. Hagemoser and Trede will made telephone calls to these asking their intentions regarding dues renewal.
Tom Peter indicated that “Kiwanis” polo shirts are available and can be ordered for $21/shirt. Members can sign up over the next 2 weeks and then an order will be placed. Payment can be made when shirts are delivered.
The issue of funding for the Golden K Singers was discussed. Traylor indicated that $400 to $500 is needed for the purchase of music and other minor expenses. Hagemoser indicated a preference to ask club members who are also Golden K Singers to contribute towards the funding and the any shortfalls could be funded by other club members or club funds be used. The funding of Golden K Singers would then not be a budgeted item. Consensus of board to proceed and see how it will work.
A letter from YSS has been received asking for additional donations to support a Youth project. Currently, our club provides $2000 for Teen Maze plus $750 for YSS through our charity funding program. Consensus was not to contribute additional funds at this time.
The next board meeting will be on October 3, 2013.
The board expressed its gratitude and thanks to Tom Peter for his leadership this past year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Submitted by Larry Trede, Board Secretary
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Last Updated: October 29, 2013 by Joe T
Board Minutes, 09-05-2013
Present: Tom Peter, Don Muff, Dick Wilson, Larry Trede, Wayne Hagemoser, John Slaughter, Lonnie Mannes, Brent Pearce, Joe Traylor, and Jim Cornette (in-coming Vice President)
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Peter at 8:00 a.m.
The minutes of the August 1, 2013 meeting were presented by Larry Trede. Motion by Don Muff, seconded by Tom Peter that the minutes be approved as distributed. Motion Carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Wayne Hagemoser. Bank balances for the various accounts on August 31, 2013 are as follows: Administrative, $11,738.57; Service, $7,238.24; Total, $18,967.81; Golden K Singers, $226.20; and Golden K Foundation, $1,985.21. Motion by Larry Trede, seconded by Dick Wilson that the Treasurers’ Report be approved as presented. Motion Carried.
Tom Peter reviewed the program for the upcoming Installation Luncheon on September 26th. Tickets are $10/person. An announcement will be made at the membership meeting again today.
Joe Traylor discussed the club web site. He distributed instructions for members to enter the members’ only section of the website. The web site is nearing completion. Pictures are needed and a plea will be made to members again to provide pictures. Trede will include information about the site in this week’s membership minutes e-mail. Members must have e-mail to enter the “members only” section. Traylor indicated that colored pictures of members would be nice to include in the membership section of the website plus some bio information. Brent Pearce volunteered to take pictures and collect updated bio information similar to what has been collected in the current membership directory. Pictures will be taken over the next few weeks.
Larry Trede reported on the renewal of dues for 2013-2014. Currently, there are six members who have not paid their dues. Hagemoser and Trede will made telephone calls to these asking their intentions regarding dues renewal.
Tom Peter indicated that “Kiwanis” polo shirts are available and can be ordered for $21/shirt. Members can sign up over the next 2 weeks and then an order will be placed. Payment can be made when shirts are delivered.
The issue of funding for the Golden K Singers was discussed. Traylor indicated that $400 to $500 is needed for the purchase of music and other minor expenses. Hagemoser indicated a preference to ask club members who are also Golden K Singers to contribute towards the funding and the any shortfalls could be funded by other club members or club funds be used. The funding of Golden K Singers would then not be a budgeted item. Consensus of board to proceed and see how it will work.
A letter from YSS has been received asking for additional donations to support a Youth project. Currently, our club provides $2000 for Teen Maze plus $750 for YSS through our charity funding program. Consensus was not to contribute additional funds at this time.
The next board meeting will be on October 3, 2013.
The board expressed its gratitude and thanks to Tom Peter for his leadership this past year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.
Submitted by Larry Trede, Board Secretary
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