Board Minutes, 08-01-2013


AUGUST 1, 2013

Present:            Harry Budd, Wayne Hagemoser, Larry Trede, Tom Peter, Don Muff, Dick Wilson, Lonnie Mannes, Brent Pear, Joe Traylor, Sandy Fleck, and Jim Cornette (In-coming Vice President).

 The meeting was called to order by President Tom Peter at 8:00 a.m., First United Methodist Church.  He welcomed Jim Cornette (In-coming Vice President).

Peter asked for comments from board members.  Sandy Fleck asked that Howard McPhail be recognized at our membership meeting for the time he spent re-finishing the piano used by Paul MacVey at our meetings.  Howard refurbished the bench by refinishing it, adding new padding, and making a new soft cover.  Peter will thank him at our membership meeting this morning.

Larry Trede presented the minutes of the last board meeting and thanked Sandy Fleck for taking notes.  Motion by Trede, seconded by Wilson, that the minutes be approved as distributed.  Motion carried.

Wayne Hagemoser presented the Treasurer’s Report.  July 31, 2013 balances for the accounts were as follows:  $8,218.74, Administrative Fund; $9,408.44, Service Fund; total, $17,627.18; Golden K Singers, $434.3; One-Z, $434.63; and Foundation $1,739.21.  Motion by Dick Wilson, seconded by Harry Budd, that the Treasurer’s Report be approved as presented.  Motion Carried.

The Installation Luncheon will be on September 26, 2013, Ames Golf and Country Club, 12:00 noon.  Peter, Muff, and Wilson will meet with staff to select menu items.

Joe Traylor presented a report on Golden K Singers.  He updated the club on their activities, practices, and presentations.  Eleven presentations are scheduled for 2013.  Presently, there are 20 singers, 4 of them are on leave, and 14 of the 20 are Golden K members.  The Golden K singers is sponsored by the Golden K Kiwanis Club; however, no funding is budgeting for the Singers.  Funds come from contributions from recipients and members of the group.  They do not charge for their services.  All funds are spent on music and related expenses for the Singers.  There is a definite need for additional members and funds are always needed to purchase music.  He asked for time to announce the need for additional members at the membership meeting.  Comments from the board included:   (1) the need for a line item in the Golden K budget to support the Singers, (2) the need for publicity in the Ames Tribune of upcoming public appearances by the Singers, (3) news stories and releases on past accomplishments of the Singers and the community service it provides.  All of these will be worked on over the next few months.

The updating of the photo directory was discussed.  There a few members whose pictures and bios need to be added or updated.  Brent Pearce will take the needed photos and Chuck Beall will coordinate the updating.  Suggestion that members contact either of them for inclusion or update in the photo directory.

Trede reported on the dues collection process.  It is moving along with 40 members left to pay dues.  Two members have dropped their membership.  Announcements and reminders will continue to be made at membership meetings and thru e-mail.

Muff, Peter, and Trede will attend the District Convention on August 10, 2013 at Prairie Meadows.  Jody Melcher is running for District Vice Governor and Division 11 is promoting her nomination.  Several workshops will be scheduled throughout the day.

The program for the Installation Luncheon was discussed.  Motion by Dick Wilson, seconded by Brent Pearce, that the agenda not include the traditional “agency report” that has been done in past years.  Motion Carried.  Peter announced that a club member will be honored as “Kiwanian of the Year” and that a plaque has been awarded.  This year’s winner is Al Wagner.

Joe Traylor presented a proposal on a web site for Golden K Kiwanis.  Lisa Traylor is available to develop a web site and Joe presented a budget for development and annual maintenance.  Lisa can design and install the website thru her company and would work with “Blue Host” company as the “host” for the website once it is developed.  Development, installation, and hosting costs would be approximately $598.  Annual maintenance costs for hosting, site lock protection, and security would be $252 for the first 3 years.  Joe would serve as the club’s web master and would work with a club committee to help with the development and keeping it up to date.  Motion by Don Muff, seconded by Brent Pearce that Joe Traylor moved forward with this proposal.  Motion carried.

Peter announced that he is looking for other club members who would participate with him in the 4-person best shot golf outing on August 17th sponsored by the Nevada Kiwanis club.  Interested board members should contact him.

The next board meeting will be on September 5, 2013, 8:00 a.m., First United Methodist Church.

The meeting was adjourned by Peter at 9:00 a.m.

Submitted by Larry Trede, Board Secretary