Happy 100th Anniversary Kiwanis!

Happy 100th Birthday, Kiwanis!  Started on this day in 1915 in Detroit, Kiwanis is now worldwide.  We in Ames Golden K celebrated with a program dedicated to the anniversary, complete with the cake shown above with the present club officers.

So, how did the program go?  Well, Roger Andersen and pianist Paul MacVey led us in singing, as we usually do at the beginning of a meeting:

Roger leading singing BD100

Then, we all pledged our allegiance to the USA:

Pledge of Allegiance BD100

Pete Peterson led us in prayer, thankful for Kiwanis and praying for our future:

Pete Praying for Kiwanis BD100

We had all those who have served as club president stand and be recognized.  Here they are with the new 100th anniversary banner in the background along with Merle Core in the back row directly in front of the Kiwanis circle symbol; Merle is the sole remaining Charter Member of Ames Golden K, which was established in 1986 by our founding club, Ames Town and Country Kiwanis.

Past Presidents and Merle Core BD100

Our speaker for the event was Bob Mitchell, a 30-year Kiwanian who served two terms as Lt. Governor and is a past Governor (Distinguished) of the Nebraska-Iowa District.  Bob gave a history of Kiwanis and specifically how Kiwanis has grown and served here in the Nebraska-Iowa District.

Bob Mitchell, speaker, BD100


One of his slides told about the growth our own Ames Golden K.  From 52 members in 1995 to 90 today!

Ames Golden K growth BD100

Of course, we sang the birthday song, with Roger’s leadership.  President Dick Wilson helped us sound the celebration.

HBday Song BD100


So, who came to celebrate?   Let’s look around the room at some of our folks during the coffee time before the formalities got underway.  Here’s speaker Bob Mitchell and wife Jan and others.

Bob & Jan Mitchell with table


Jody Melcher, present Governor-elect, was there at this table.  Charter member Merle Core is on the right.  Gerri Bugg, Lt. Governor for District 11 attended but is not pictured.

Table 6 BD100

Table 2 BD100

Table 1 BD100

Wes Buchele smiling BD100


Happy 100th!

Cake BD100