Ames in COVID-19 Crisis Times

Ames Golden K recently hosted Ames Chamber of Commerce’s Dan Culhane at their weekly Thursday 9 AM virtual meeting.  Mr. Culhane {pictured} spoke about how the mandated closures due to the pandemic have been hurtful, with overall impact on Ames businesses to be determined as they now gradually reopen.  The loss in revenue over the past 13 weeks has been especially  devastating to Ames hotels who have lost $6 million.  Unemployment has increased from 1.7% to 8.4%.
Good things have also occurred.  Ames community leaders have “led”; United Way has furnished considerable aid to those in need; State and Federal aid, especially small business relief to 120 Story County businesses has been of great help. The Ames Chamber of Commerce has never worked so hard and has been successful in helping unveil several positive economic developments for Ames and Story County.
Going forward the Chamber of Commerce has led the organizing of the Gift Cards Program,for sale and redeemable at many Ames business locations. “Story County Strong” is a motto developed by the Chamber and used in all posters, videos, etc. distributed since the beginning of the pandemic restrictions.
Dan concluded his remarks by reviewing the status of the Ames Research Park {one new tenant moving in soon}, the status of the redevelopment at Clark St/Lincoln Way, North Grand Mall area development; and Campustown development initiatives.
Golden K Member ISU Professsor Jim Cornette was recognized for completing the annual Bolder Boulder, Colorado 10K run virtually, by running the Ames Run For The Roses 10K course on Memorial Day, the date for Bolder Boulder which was postponed this year due to the pandemic.  Jim has competed in Bolder Boulder 17 consecutive years.  Congratulations again, Jim!