Ames Golden K Kiwanis recently donated $1,000 to the Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support {
ACCESS}. Their mission is to address the roots and impact of sexual and domestic violence with services that enhance safety, empower survivors, and promote social justice and understanding within the community.
There are 4 major ACCESS program thrusts–sexual abuse, domestic abuse, violent crimes, and housing.
Trained advocates are ready to help discuss options for the victim’s immediate safety and well-being through the operation of a 24/7 crisis line.. They serve as an advocate for victims and provide support when needed for reporting crimes or when medical treatment and assistance is needed. Golden K’s donation will be used to support the operation of the ACCESS crisis line.
Pictured from the left, Golden K’s John and Cheryl Abrams, ACCESS Development Coordinator Courtney Palmershein, and Golden K’s Tom Baas.
ACCESS Support, 2020
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Last Updated: October 4, 2022 by Joe T
Trained advocates are ready to help discuss options for the victim’s immediate safety and well-being through the operation of a 24/7 crisis line.. They serve as an advocate for victims and provide support when needed for reporting crimes or when medical treatment and assistance is needed. Golden K’s donation will be used to support the operation of the ACCESS crisis line.
Pictured from the left, Golden K’s John and Cheryl Abrams, ACCESS Development Coordinator Courtney Palmershein, and Golden K’s Tom Baas.
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