Kiwanis Links

New to Kiwanis and need some background?  Click for our “Orientation Slide Show.”  The small arrows at the bottom will advance to the next slide.

Click here for the main site of Kiwanis worldwide:    Kiwanis International.

We are members of the Nebraska-Iowa District.  Check the District site here:   NE-IA Kiwanis

For a summary of Kiwanis, click the following:  What is Kiwanis?

Here are links to other clubs in and around Ames:

     Ames Noon Kiwanis Club

Ames Town and Country Kiwanis

   Kiwanis Club of Nevada, Iowa

                       Boone Noon Kiwanis

                         Jefferson Kiwanis

Here’s a wonderful  3-minute video “One Can Make a Difference”:

              One Can Make a Difference

And several other Kiwanis videos:

    Kiwanis video 


2 Comments on “Kiwanis Links

  1. I am a member of Des Moines Golden K and we are new to Facebook. A month ago we launched Des Moines Golden K Kiwanis Club. I tried to join the NE-IA Kiwanis District group but the join button was not available to me.
    Do you have someone who can assist us?

    • Mike,
      I share your discomfort with social media! We have a limited presence on Facebook as well as “Ames Golden K Kiwanis”– you might want to “like” us too!

      As to the NE-IA Kiwanis District Facebook group– I used the Search capability of Facebook in the upper left of my login screen and it took me to a page That lead off with a window offering three different “groups.” To the right of each was an icon of a paw print. I clicked it and FB immediately said I had joined the group. Later when I again jumped to NE-IA Kiwanis District page, it said I was “joined” and am one of “478 members.”

      Nave you tried that? If it does not work for you, I suggest an email to the NE_IA webmaster, at this information from their webpage:
      Nebraska-Iowa District Kiwanis Office

      District Administrator
      Lisa Brichacek
      NE-IA Kiwanis District
      1676 N Laurel St
      Wahoo, NE 68066

      Hope it helps,

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